Old school Swatch Watches

First you must have any fexplorer that can edit. If you have, just follow the settings below.
1.) Fexplorer Settings
¤ Open fexplorer then goto uzzap application. If your uzzap application was saved in phone memory [_c:\system\apps\uzzap_] and if it's in memory card [_e:\system\apps\uzzap_].
2.) Uzzap in fexplorer Settings
¤ Open uzzap folder >kalypte-user.ini >press option >select file >select editor/viewer >select ansi editor >now find [ kolipri.xmpp.ports=25,8734,10873,40932,5222,20,21,110,443,465,80 ] change 25 into 80 [ kolipri.xmpp.ports=80,8734,10873,40932,5222,20,21,110,443,465,80 ] >press option >select save >and exit.
3.) Make a Connection/Access point
¤ Menu tools >Settings >Connection >Access point >press option >select new access point >select use default settings

=>connection name: Uzzap Globe
=>data bearer: packet data
=>access point name: http.globe.com.ph
=>user name: none
=>password: no
=>homepage: none

¤ Press option >select advanced settings

=>network type: IPv4
=>phone ip address: automatic
=>name servers: automatic
=>proxy server address:
=>proxy port address: 80

Back 3x and exit
4.) Open uzzap application >open network access point >select uzzap globe >then login